Only a Good Heart Hears the Sound of Another Heart – “Painters’ Carousel” Ars and Rajićeva

The humanitarian event “Painters’ Carousel”, which was created with the goals of holiday mingling and offering support to the beneficiaries of the work center “Sounds of a Heart”, as well as marking the International Human Rights Day – was held on Saturday, December 10, at Rajićeva Shopping Center.

The organizers of this extraordinary, artistic event in the heart of the city – Ars Creative & Imaginative in partnership with Rajićeva Shopping Center – have decided to combine humanitarianism and creativity, and the following distinguished artists accepted their invitation: Ružica Milutinović, Stefan Lukić, Svetlana Ninković and Aleksandar Popović, as well as columnist and one of the most well-known digital creators, Branislava Antović, and last but not least, singer Anđela Vujović – Angellina.

The event, which was held in the holiday atmosphere of Rajićeva Shopping Center, was organized for the beneficiaries of HO “Children’s Heart” and their work center “Sounds of a Heart”, which themselves were participants as well and transferred to the canvas – the sounds of their own hearts, which was the theme of the “Painters’ Carousel”.

In this humanitarian event the participants took turns painting seven canvases, with each turn taking fifteen minutes. The products of this three-hour long session of artistic exchange, with everybody having left the sounds of their hearts on the canvases, were unique pieces of art to be auctioned off, with all proceeds going to HO „Children’s Heart“.

During the event participants also had the pleasure of meeting the beneficiaries of „Sounds of a Heart“, and talking to them over delicious hot chocolate prepared by Starbucks Serbia.

All of the art pieces will be displayed at Rajićeva Shopping Center until December 16, after which they will be transferred to the “Sounds of a Heart” café located at Čubura. For these unique paintings, made through the crossing of paintbrushes of various multimedia artists, you may post your bids on the following Instagram profiles: @zvucisrca, @arskreativnoimastovito, @rajicevashoppingcenter, or via the following email address: To help the beneficiaries of this humanitarian organization you may transfer your offer to the following bank account: 250-1340000055060-07, PoP “Painters’ Carousel”

We’re waiting for you at Rajićeva Shopping Center, in the heart of the city and the epicenter of city events, where you can take a look at all of the art pieces created during “Painters’ Carousel”, an event that promoted not just humanitarian action but also culture, multimedia artists and all those who contribute to our society’s development.

Through this event we marked an important day for every individual, a day during which we showed that what matters most is being humane and respecting the rights that are equal for all of us – and we take this opportunity to invite all of those who can afford it to participate in more humanitarian activities!

